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Your teeth require routine maintenance, just like your car. If you are looking for a friendly and experienced dentist for dental examinations in Sherwood Park, Emerald Hills Dental Centre is the right place for you.  


A regular dental checkup is important to detect any tooth decay or infection in its early stage. That way, you save on expensive dental procedures and also save yourself from needless pain. Moreover, studies have revealed that your oral health also impacts your heart and circulatory system, so get yourself an appointment now.


Your dentist will :

Check for signs of tooth decay, cavities and damage to your teeth

Check your gums for inflammation or infection

Check for signs of bruxism (teeth grinding), TMJ and oral cancer

Assess the alignment of your teeth

Assess the condition of fillings, crowns and bridges

Examine the condition of the jaw and other facial bones and the lymph nodes in your neck

In addition to the visual exam, your dentist may also do an x-ray which can reveal problems such as decay, fractures or bone loss below the gum line

woman getting dental checkup


Other than a general dental checkup, it is a good idea to visit your dentist for regular dental cleaning.

Professional teeth cleaning includes:


thoroughly removing plaque and tartar from your teeth


for a smoother feeling, your dentist will polish your teeth using a special toothpaste and an electric brush


the tough spots will be thoroughly cleaned

Rinse and fluoride treatment:

to protect your teeth from decay until your next visit


Fluoride is a natural mineral found in soil, water, and certain foods and has preventative properties that help teeth resist decay. In Canada, much of our public drinking water is supplemented by fluoride, and it is also found in toothpaste, gels, and varnishes.


Sealants are thin, protective coverings that can be applied to the chewing surfaces of molars to prevent cavities and decay. Both adults and children can get sealants, but the earlier you get them, the more effective they’ll be. Sealants are relatively easy, quick, and painless to apply.



The staff at Emerald Hills Dental Centre are experienced with the unique needs of children. Children’s dental care is called “pedodontics,” and regular, professional dental care from an early age is the best way for children to avoid more painful and more costly problems down the road. The Canadian Dental Association recommends children visit the dentist six months after the first eruption of their first tooth or by their first birthday. However, if you suspect dental problems before this time, please consult a dentist as soon as you can. We offer several proactive solutions for kids’ dental care. As children are more susceptible to cavities than adults, your dentist can apply sealants to your child’s teeth to help them avoid developing cavities.

child getting dental checkup


Dental X-rays help your dentist see the condition of your teeth, roots, jaw placement and facial bone composition. They also help them find and treat dental problems early in their development.

They can help your dentist detect:

Decay, especially small areas of decay between teeth

Decay beneath existing fillings

Bone loss in the jaw

Changes in the bone or root canal due to infection

Condition and position of teeth to help prepare for tooth implants, braces, dentures or other dental procedures

Abscesses (an infection at the root of a tooth or between the gum and a tooth)

Cysts and some types of tumours

We use two main types of dental X-rays: intraoral (the X-ray film is inside the mouth) and extraoral (the X-ray film is outside the mouth).

Intraoral X-rays are the most common type of X-ray. There are several types of intraoral X-rays and extraoral X-rays. Different x-rays are used for different kinds of problems; your dentist will recommend one depending on your problem. For a three-dimensional view, your dentist will ask you to get a CT done.

Dentist checking dental x-ray

Some people need X-rays as often as every six months, while others who do not have a recent dental or gum disease may only need X-rays every couple of years. Your dentist might ask you to take an X-ray on your first visit. First-visit X-rays help to compare with X-rays taken over time to look for problems and unexpected changes. X-rays may need to be taken more often in people at high risk for dental problems. 

These people include:


Adults with a lot of restorative work

People who drink a lot of sugary beverages

People with periodontal (gum) disease

People who have dry mouth


If you have any questions regarding X-rays or any other dental treatment, feel free to contact us.


You need not live with pain; we are open to handle any kind of dental problems.

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